5 Quick and Easy Morning Rituals That Burn Fat and Build Focus
Morning routines are a big thing these days and for good reason. When you start your day with a routine, you take control of...
8 Excuses That Are Keeping You from Getting Rid of Your Dad Bod
I’ve been a personal trainer since 2008, so I’ve heard my fair share of excuses from dads on why it’s not a good time...
6 Ways To Unlock Your Body’s Secret Mechanism for More Energy
Mindset. The word is everywhere, especially in the business world. We hear it all the time in examples like:
Grow your business by 10X by...
These 6 Habits Are Blocking Your Fat Loss
Last week on the Million Dollar Body podcast, I talked about the top ten ways to drop fat fast.
This week, I’m talking about the...
Lose Fat Faster By Manipulating the 3 Phases of Fat Loss
You know the feeling. You keep seeing all those weight loss testimonials on the internet about people dropping 15 pounds, 20 pounds, 25 pounds...
3 Ways To Get Fit and Stay Fit as a Dad
Let’s face it, you just can’t train like you used to once little people are running around and demanding that their peas not touch...
My Top 10 Tips to Lose Belly Fat for Good
There’s a reason belly fat is more stubborn than a toddler at nap time and it’s actually a scientific one.
It’s really hard to lose...
Work With Your Body’s Natural Rhythms To Lose Fat Fast
Are you fighting against your own body to get more energy and drop fat?
For example, are you downing a Red Bull after lunch to...
All About Pre and Post Workout Nutrition
You know when you’re out driving on an open highway, the sun is setting, the wind is blowing through your hair (I’ve got a...
The Top 3 Commandments of Training to Get Results
Are you just starting out on a strength training program and you’re not sure where to begin? Or maybe you are at an intermediate...
What Your Dinner Must Include For Fat Loss And Recovery
What if I told you that I had a supplement that could:
Lower your cortisol (aka the belly fat hormone) levels?
Activate your parasympathetic...
5 Fitness Myths That You Need to To Stop Believing Now
There are a few fitness myths out there that make me pretty angry. I mistakenly thought some of them—*cough, cough* keto–were already lying in...
My Exact Method To Get In Killer Shape In 4 Months!
Are you ready to get in killer shape for your upcoming wedding or that beach vacation?
Whatever the reason is, it’s possible to drop a...
How Matt Lost 80 Pounds Working 60 Hours Per Week
This week's podcast is one of those feel-good stories that you don't want to miss.
The first piece of feel-good news? Matt lost 80 pounds while...
My Proven Morning Routine That Triggers Fat Loss and Keeps You Focused
Yes, morning routines have been played out on every influencer blog across the globe, but there's no denying that high performers implement them regularly...