
Build The Life You Want by Giving Up These Three Things

I’ve got a list for you today -- but don’t worry. It’s not another TO DO list. It’s more of a TO DON’T list....

Crossfit For Weight Loss: Is It Best For YOUR Body?

If you’re like me, you probably have a love/hate relationship with CrossFit. I mean, it’s easy to look at guys like Rich Froening and...

Throw These Three Supplements Away Right Now

What do you know about supplements? Are supplements good for you? Take a quick peek in your pantry. You may be surprised to learn...

Gain Energy and Avoid Midday Slump I The Glycogen Priming Method

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: You start your work day strong. You’re feeling productive and it seems like you’ve got plenty of...

The FIVE Reasons Men Gain Belly Fat

I have a couple of questions for you: Do you have belly fat? Do you even know how it got there? Often, you’ll hear it referred...
fitness Information overload

White Rice vs. Brown Rice – Which Is Healthiest? Should You Care?

Pop quiz time! In the brown rice vs. white rice contest, brown rice wins, right? Choosing white rice crosses the fitness “party line” ...doesn't it?...
drink and lose weight

Can You Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight?

Alcohol. It’s part of our culture. On Sundays we watch football and drink beer. On New Year’s Eve, we drink champagne. On Cinco de...
secrets for long term fitness success

Powerful Secrets For Long Term Fitness Success

Paul Riili is that guy. You know the one – the dude killing it in the gym (back when we could actually go to...
fat loss journey

The Two Phases Of Fat Loss – What To Do WHEN

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Smoothie and Salad Season! And today is all about getting your NUTRITION in order for a...

What’s Causing Me To Hold Belly Fat? | Take The Belly Fat Quiz HERE

Visceral abdominal fat is the first to show up and the last to go. It's also correlated with heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.  Science shows that...

Whole 30 Diet Review | Is Whole30 Safe?

If you haven't heard of the Whole 30 diet plan, you're probably not following very many fitness accounts on Instagram. Creators of the diet, Dallas...

Why You Should Ditch Energy Drinks and Start Chewing Nicotine Gum

When I first started training, I had a major hard-on for stimulants. I absolutely LOVE the way that most pre-workouts make me feel. Super...

Healthy Breakfast Recipes | High Protein Meal in 60 Seconds

For many of us, it's a challenge to find something easy to eat in the morning that doesn't take a long time to prep....

Modern Day Plague Tonic or Just Massive Antioxidant Boost?

If you know me, than you know I've played around for several years with a concoction that I call "hot breakfast". While it's not actually...
avoid colds chalice

Avoid Colds and Boost Immune System | Nutritional Insurance Policy

You can't train if you're always sick. Nothing zaps feelings of progress like having to take a week off because of a head cold...