Fitness Horoscopes for Friday, March 21st

Are you sick and tired of horoscopes that don't hold up to your rigorous standards? Are you pissed that each one comes with a...


I wrote an article for my friends at Crossfit Committed about the merits of hardcoreness. Check it out. Note: It's ruder than normal.

The Definitive Guide To Weight Loss and Health

Losing weight is confusing as shit. I don’t see how anyone is able to actually do it. Between pintrest, fitness magazines, your friend Jenny’s...

No One Gives a Shit About You. AND IT’S AWESOME

I’ve been in recovery for 16 years and it never gets any easier. My parents really thought they were doing the right thing when they...

Modern Day Plague Tonic or Just Massive Antioxidant Boost?

If you know me, than you know I've played around for several years with a concoction that I call "hot breakfast". While it's not actually...
fitness Information overload

White Rice vs. Brown Rice – Which Is Healthiest? Should You Care?

Pop quiz time! In the brown rice vs. white rice contest, brown rice wins, right? Choosing white rice crosses the fitness “party line” ...doesn't it?...

Work Out Like You Mean It

I work at a gym, which means that 100% of the time when I look around at people working out, I become enveloped in...

Rings VS TRX: Which One Should You Choose?

Suspension Training has seen a surge in popularity and usage over the last 8 years, and rightly so because of the tremendous benefits from...

ELi5: Salt

Salt is important for performance, hydration, and being alive. In healthy people there's no reason to worry about salt, (unless you're going to be dieting...

3 Ways to Train your Core Standing Up

If you've been paying attention in the last year to the trend in core training, you'll know that the overwhelming majority of trainers, myself...

Drink This if you Hate Yourself!

Taco Bell, in in all of its infinite wisdom has taken a break from putting sand in their meat products to bring you a...

What Your Trainer Doesn’t Want You to Know Part I

1 Minute to Great Abs! PUT THE FORK DOWN FOR ONE GODDAMN MINUTE. You're welcome.

Three Reasons for Women to Train with Weights

This post is brought to you by Katelyn Travers, a friend of mine and a hell of a good coach. She's a living legend,...

Try Harder.

NEWSFLASH. You're probably not romantic anymore. You probably used to be, but you lost 'it'when you got rid of all your old pokemon cards...

The 30 Second Detox Solution

“My friends call me Z.” He stuck his hand out, and I could see my disdainful expression reflected back at me off the top of...