how long should you workout

Weight Loss: Weight Loss Calculator

How much weight loss is enough? How much is too much? Should you even try to lose weight at all? Here’s What You Need to...
creating a life of no regrets

Creating a Life With No Regrets

“Too many people have a lot of money at the expense of their health.” “A man who has health has a thousand dreams, but a...

Start Your Day Right With This Simple Morning Routine

Morning routines. Everyone’s got one. Maybe you’re smashing your alarm clock and cursing the time while running out the door with a bagel in...
maintain your energy and focus all day with an energy-boosting breakfast

4 Energy-Boosting Breakfast Tips Every High Performer Should Know To Maximize Your Focus

Donuts, sugary cereals, and bagels on your breakfast menu? Cut the crap! High performers need high-octane foods, and these carb-heavy food choices in the AM...

The Greatest Workout Ever.

The title of this article might be false. Who am I to say whether one workout is better than another? For all you parents...

I Am Not A Fitness Model

I went to Vegas this weekend and drank beers, ate ice cream, and loved every minute of it. Now I'm back home and I look...
30 minute workout

5 Ways to Get Results without Adding Weight

Rather than beating your head against the wall repeatedly trying to get a PR on your bench press, are there other ways to get...

Here’s Exactly How I Would Lose 30lbs. 

3 Thoughts There's a difference between 'health' and 'fitness'. Health is eating organic cereal and doing fitness classes. Both great ideas but neither one of...

Best Hamstring Exercises | Unconventional Ham Movements

The muscles in the hip and the thigh are some of the most powerful in the human body. While the glute muscles are the...

The Million Dollar Body Method Workout

The Million Dollar Body Workout This is a challenge that will work your full body, and give you the ability to see progress in your...
this is your fat loss superpower

You Fat Loss Superpower Isn’t What You Think It Is

A lot of fitness content these days focuses on slowing down, meditation, and breathing exercises. That's because we live in a constant state of...

Online Personal Training

Why Do I Need Coaching? The people on earth who are the greatest in their particular field all have one thing in common. They focus...

The Burger that Slew my Pride

At long last, I did what I've been promising I would do for 2 weeks. And you're welcome. Above you can see exactly what 10k...

Apparently I’m, a Sellout.

3 Thoughts. 2 Resources. 1 Question. I went to the CoachingCon 22 conference this weekend. It was fantastic to see speakers like Ed Myett (I...
nutrition strategy to wake up energized, focused, and ready to get more done

Entrepreneurs! Use My 3-Step Nutrition Strategy For More Energy Every Single Day

Being an entrepreneur is like riding the most cutting-edge roller coaster—the one with the steep drops that defy the laws of physics and with...