fitness Information overload

White Rice vs. Brown Rice – Which Is Healthiest? Should You Care?

Pop quiz time! In the brown rice vs. white rice contest, brown rice wins, right? Choosing white rice crosses the fitness “party line” ...doesn't it?...

Kickstart Fat Loss and Kept It Off with a Sugar Detox

Do you need to go on a sugar detox? How would you even know if you did? What if you could do it in a...

ELi5: Salt

Salt is important for performance, hydration, and being alive. In healthy people there's no reason to worry about salt, (unless you're going to be dieting...

Use The Science of Gamification to Get Even Sexier

If you want to change the way you look or feel, work with your brain instead of against it to make lasting changes by...

The FIVE Reasons Men Gain Belly Fat

I have a couple of questions for you: Do you have belly fat? Do you even know how it got there? Often, you’ll hear it referred...

Shelby Starnes

Some AM wisdom from Shelby Starnes; nutritional coach. ...
what to eat before a workout

Why Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

I did a quick Google search to see why is breakfast the most important meal of the day. Here's what the experts have to say!...
the power of fitness communities for lasting change

The Power of Fitness Communities for Lasting Change

The value of community and connection in fitness is something that doesn’t get talked about enough. But, it’s a critical element if you want...
all about pre and post workout nutrition

All About Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

You know when you’re out driving on an open highway, the sun is setting, the wind is blowing through your hair (I’ve got a...

Answers to YOUR Frequently Asked Workout Questions

How much weight should I be lifting? What are rep schemes? AM or PM workouts? Do YOU have a burning question about fitness, nutrition, or...
Food labels are filled wit misinformation. How to find nutrient-dense foods.

How To Find Nutrient-Dense Foods in a Swirl of Misleading Food Labels

Let me guess. You probably just unloaded your nutrient-dense foods from your canvas Whole Foods shopping bag onto the kitchen counter, including your free-range,...

The 30 Second Detox Solution

“My friends call me Z.” He stuck his hand out, and I could see my disdainful expression reflected back at me off the top of...
foods you should stop eating now

No One’s Ever Said They Wanted Hot Tamales I 6 Foods You Should Stop...

I hear it all the time: "Coach Nate, don't take my HOT TAMALES from me. They're so good." No, no I don't. Because no one...

Throw These Three Supplements Away Right Now

What do you know about supplements? Are supplements good for you? Take a quick peek in your pantry. You may be surprised to learn...

National Junk Food Day!!!1!

July 21st is National Junk Food day. A day we can take a break from all the hard dietary work we put in on...