What’s Causing Me To Hold Belly Fat? | Take The Belly Fat Quiz HERE

Visceral abdominal fat is the first to show up and the last to go. It's also correlated with heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.  Science shows that...

Pre-Workout Supplements You’ve Never Heard Of

Pre-Workout Supplements You've Never Heard Of When I was 22 and working at my first corporate gym in Phoenix AZ, I would do some stupid...

Alcohol and Weight Loss – The Drinking Guide for Busy People

We’ve all be there, wondering if alcohol and weight loss coincide, when suddenly you're jerked back to reality to a work dinner at Red...

Use The Science of Gamification to Get Even Sexier

If you want to change the way you look or feel, work with your brain instead of against it to make lasting changes by...

Whole 30 Diet Review | Is Whole30 Safe?

If you haven't heard of the Whole 30 diet plan, you're probably not following very many fitness accounts on Instagram. Creators of the diet, Dallas...
should i take creatine

Should I Take Creatine? Is it Even Safe?

Should I take Creatine? Short answer: If you're lifting weights, and have a goal of gaining muscle or strength - YES. You would benefit from...

Answers to YOUR Frequently Asked Workout Questions

How much weight should I be lifting? What are rep schemes? AM or PM workouts? Do YOU have a burning question about fitness, nutrition, or...
eat protein to build lean muscle

Why You Need Protein To Build Lean Muscle

What do you think about when you hear the word “protein”? Do you envision a big, sweaty weightlifter guy grunting loudly while he benches 400...

The Fact the Fitness Industry does NOT Want You to Know

Your body is the result of your past 7,665 meals All of the cells in the human body are rebuilt at least once every 7...

Kickstart Fat Loss and Kept It Off with a Sugar Detox

Do you need to go on a sugar detox? How would you even know if you did? What if you could do it in a...
Strategies For Making Changes That Last

How I Gained 36lbs then Lost 14lbs of fat I Strategies For Making Changes...

Circle up, kids, it’s storytime! And this story is all about yours truly. Growing up, I was a pretty skinny kid. (How skinny? At my...
You can eat carbs and still maximize your fat loss. Here's how.

The Best Time To Eat Carbs and Still Maximize Fat Loss

There are so many "strategies" out in the world about the best way to consume carbs. "Breakfast like a king. Lunch like a prince. Dinner like...

ELi5: Caffeine

Caffeine can be used to improve your fitness level. It can also be abused which can halt progress. Caffeine is called an "ergogenic aid", which...
what to eat before a workout

Why Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

I did a quick Google search to see why is breakfast the most important meal of the day. Here's what the experts have to say!...
foods you should stop eating now

No One’s Ever Said They Wanted Hot Tamales I 6 Foods You Should Stop...

I hear it all the time: "Coach Nate, don't take my HOT TAMALES from me. They're so good." No, no I don't. Because no one...