Food labels are filled wit misinformation. How to find nutrient-dense foods.

How To Find Nutrient-Dense Foods in a Swirl of Misleading Food Labels

Let me guess. You probably just unloaded your nutrient-dense foods from your canvas Whole Foods shopping bag onto the kitchen counter, including your free-range,...

Whole 30 Diet Review | Is Whole30 Safe?

If you haven't heard of the Whole 30 diet plan, you're probably not following very many fitness accounts on Instagram. Creators of the diet, Dallas...
are carbs evil or a healthy energy source?

Are Carbs Evil?

Are carbs evil? The short answer: no. So, why are they so demonized across the fitness industry then? Every fad diet is trying to get you to...
all about pre and post workout nutrition

All About Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

You know when you’re out driving on an open highway, the sun is setting, the wind is blowing through your hair (I’ve got a...
5 ways you are killing your metabolism

These 5 Things Are KILLING Your Metabolism

Once upon a time, you could down a whole pizza and a Red Bull (or five!) any time you wanted, and get away with...

The Ultimate Guide to Staying Fit While Traveling | The Mobile Fitness Lifestyle

Stay Fit While Traveling | The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Mobile Fitness Lifestyle Work travel is real. And staying fit while traveling is tough. It...
Strategies For Making Changes That Last

How I Gained 36lbs then Lost 14lbs of fat I Strategies For Making Changes...

Circle up, kids, it’s storytime! And this story is all about yours truly. Growing up, I was a pretty skinny kid. (How skinny? At my...

National Junk Food Day!!!1!

July 21st is National Junk Food day. A day we can take a break from all the hard dietary work we put in on...

ELi5: Caffeine

Caffeine can be used to improve your fitness level. It can also be abused which can halt progress. Caffeine is called an "ergogenic aid", which...

Hierarchy of Fat Loss | Don’t Do This Out of Order

I've been sending out 3-2-1 (3 thoughts, 2 resources, 1 question you should ask yourself) emails over the past few months on Wednesdays, but...

Juicing: An Objective Analysis

One of the hottest fitness trends is juicing. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. I would wager 12.50 right now that your friend, aunt,...

What’s Causing Me To Hold Belly Fat? | Take The Belly Fat Quiz HERE

Visceral abdominal fat is the first to show up and the last to go. It's also correlated with heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.  Science shows that...
drink and lose weight

Can You Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight?

Alcohol. It’s part of our culture. On Sundays we watch football and drink beer. On New Year’s Eve, we drink champagne. On Cinco de...

Build The Life You Want by Giving Up These Three Things

I’ve got a list for you today -- but don’t worry. It’s not another TO DO list. It’s more of a TO DON’T list....
Does taking creatine lead to hair loss?

What Do Creatine, Walmart, and Resistant Starches Have In Common?

Not a whole hell of a lot. But, I've been getting a ton of questions lately about these topics, so I'm diving in on this...