Are You a “Grabber”?

This was lovingly written for you at 6:13 on Wednesday AM. I've been drinking electrolytes in my water in the AM, and that's been...

Apparently I’m, a Sellout.

3 Thoughts. 2 Resources. 1 Question. I went to the CoachingCon 22 conference this weekend. It was fantastic to see speakers like Ed Myett (I...

Do the Boring Work

I've been thinking a lot about core values recently, and what I want to teach my kids, both in how I act and the...

3 Ways to Remove Visceral Fat

3 Thoughts I think personally if all I was able to eat was meat and fruit, I would do great. Doing keto for a...

Why Do We Screw Up On Our Diets?

3 Thoughts What Makes Us Screw Up On Our Diet?For many of us, not following through on our fitness goal isn't a result of...
davey fisher behind the scenes

Davey Fisher: Behind the Scenes Secrets of a Famous Fitness Trainer

You can’t lose if you don’t quit.  That’s not a sexy fitness strategy straight outta LA, but it’s foundational to your long term fitness success....

Are Carbs for Breakfast Unhealthy?

What up Hustle Homie! This post was lovingly curated for you at 6:05am on Wednesday. We just took the family to San Fran for our first...
7 reasons youre not losing weight

7 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Are you following all of the fitness gurus on YouTube, subscribing to 10 different keto blogs, and tracking with the latest Instagram diet fad...

Here’s Exactly How I Would Lose 30lbs. 

3 Thoughts There's a difference between 'health' and 'fitness'. Health is eating organic cereal and doing fitness classes. Both great ideas but neither one of...

Just Squeeze It

This post was lovingly curated for you at 6:04 am on a Wednesday. We're at the point in AZ weather where it's hot during the...
how a busy dad dropped 60 pounds

How A Busy Dad Dropped 60 Pounds

Has this ever happened to you? You’re singing along to your favorite song in the shower, high volume, and all the sudden it hits...
how to get bigger muscles

Is 3 X 10 Killing Your Game?

Have you ever gone to the gym except you don’t really have a plan, so you default to the standard three sets of ten...
level up with this mindset shift with podcast host Scott Ferguson

Level Up Everyday With This Powerful Mindset Shift

“Inch by inch, it’s a cinch. Yard by yard, it’s hard.” That’s the motto Scott Ferguson of the Time To Shine Today podcast lives by....
creating a life of no regrets

Creating a Life With No Regrets

“Too many people have a lot of money at the expense of their health.” “A man who has health has a thousand dreams, but a...
a realistic framework for sustainable results

A Realistic Framework for Sustainable Results

Ever feel like you have so much going on—kids, your business, extended family—that you don’t have time to get fit?  I get it. All of...