best exercises for fat loss

The Three Best Exercises For Fat Loss

Where does your mind go when you think of the best exercises for fat loss? Think fast... CARDIO, right? Endless rounds of elliptical training at the...
macros mindset and maintenance drop fat and keep it off

Macros, Mindset, and Maintenance: Drop Fat and Keep It Off

What’s the one thing that holds you back from losing weight? Not being in a caloric deficit.  But getting into a sustainable caloric deficit means different...

Macronutrient Combinations – What Are They, And How Do They Work?

Macronutrient Combinations. Sounds fancy. But it’s really just an easy way to start thinking about your nutrition. Macronutrients are the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates that your...

The Truth About Intermittent Fasting | Get Results With IF

Fasting has been around for a long, long time. For proof of this check out 2nd Samuel in...
all about pre and post workout nutrition

All About Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

You know when you’re out driving on an open highway, the sun is setting, the wind is blowing through your hair (I’ve got a...

Gain Energy and Avoid Midday Slump I The Glycogen Priming Method

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: You start your work day strong. You’re feeling productive and it seems like you’ve got plenty of...
You can't accomplish your fitness goals if you're skeptical

You Can’t Accomplish Your Fitness Goals If You’re Doing This

If you want to accomplish your fitness goals, you’ve got to believe, baby!  Belief—that's the B-word I'm talking about (what were you thinking?!). And I’m not...
Strategies For Making Changes That Last

How I Gained 36lbs then Lost 14lbs of fat I Strategies For Making Changes...

Circle up, kids, it’s storytime! And this story is all about yours truly. Growing up, I was a pretty skinny kid. (How skinny? At my...
7 reasons youre not losing weight

7 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight

Are you following all of the fitness gurus on YouTube, subscribing to 10 different keto blogs, and tracking with the latest Instagram diet fad...
is cardio best for fat loss

Is Cardio Best for Fat Loss?

Should you do cardio before or after resistance training to have the maximum effect on fat loss? Well, let’s just say it’s complicated. Don’t worry though;...

Answers to YOUR Frequently Asked Workout Questions

How much weight should I be lifting? What are rep schemes? AM or PM workouts? Do YOU have a burning question about fitness, nutrition, or...

The Ultimate Guide to Fat Loss on the Road with Interval Training

According to fitness magazines, at home fat loss is easy. All you must do is drink a breakfast shake with 600 dollars’ worth of...

Throw These Three Supplements Away Right Now

What do you know about supplements? Are supplements good for you? Take a quick peek in your pantry. You may be surprised to learn...

Should You Eat Fruit Before Noon If You’re Trying to Drop Fat?

When is the best time to eat fruit? Should it be part of your morning ritual? How about lunchtime? Should you have it with...
How to get a visible six-pack

Want An Amazing Six-Pack? You Have To Do These Three Things First.

This might be the most oft-repeated question I get as a trainer: "Nate, I want an amazing six-pack that people can actually see. What do...