The ONLY Type of Fasting that PREVENTS Muscle Loss and Fat Gain
Intermittent fasting is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it gives you clear guidelines. On the other, it can cause eating disorders, chronic...
Work With Your Body’s Natural Rhythms To Lose Fat Fast
Are you fighting against your own body to get more energy and drop fat?
For example, are you downing a Red Bull after lunch to...
Why Cardio is Killing Your Results
Charles Poliquin is a Canadian strength coach who has most likely forgotten more than I will ever know about the science of training and...
What’s Causing Me To Hold Belly Fat? | Take The Belly Fat Quiz HERE
Visceral abdominal fat is the first to show up and the last to go. It's also correlated with heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Science shows that...
New Year, New DON’Ts
It’s a new year, and that means New Year’s resolutions. As we look in the rearview at 2020, a lot of us want to...
Gain Energy and Avoid Midday Slump I The Glycogen Priming Method
Stop me if you’ve heard this one: You start your work day strong. You’re feeling productive and it seems like you’ve got plenty of...
These 5 Things Are KILLING Your Metabolism
Once upon a time, you could down a whole pizza and a Red Bull (or five!) any time you wanted, and get away with...
How I Gained 36lbs then Lost 14lbs of fat I Strategies For Making Changes...
Circle up, kids, it’s storytime! And this story is all about yours truly.
Growing up, I was a pretty skinny kid. (How skinny? At my...
Should You Eat Fruit Before Noon If You’re Trying to Drop Fat?
When is the best time to eat fruit? Should it be part of your morning ritual? How about lunchtime? Should you have it with...
These 6 Habits Are Blocking Your Fat Loss
Last week on the Million Dollar Body podcast, I talked about the top ten ways to drop fat fast.
This week, I’m talking about the...
THIS Is The Best Way to Burn Body Fat
When you think about the best way to burn body fat, which type of exercise do you tend to think of first? Well, if...
8 Excuses That Are Keeping You from Getting Rid of Your Dad Bod
I’ve been a personal trainer since 2008, so I’ve heard my fair share of excuses from dads on why it’s not a good time...
21 Advanced Fat Loss Strategies That Get Results
Have you ever felt like regular fat loss strategies aren’t working for you? Have you been doing all of the “right things” for a...
Build The Life You Want by Giving Up These Three Things
I’ve got a list for you today -- but don’t worry. It’s not another TO DO list. It’s more of a TO DON’T list....
Busting Fat Loss Myths Left and Right
Alright, where do I start? I'm feeling a little fired up.
That's because people like Gwenyth Paltrow and Tracy Anderson are feeding you some bullsh*t...