
Answers to YOUR Frequently Asked Workout Questions

How much weight should I be lifting? What are rep schemes? AM or PM workouts? Do YOU have a burning question about fitness, nutrition, or...
Strategies For Making Changes That Last

How I Gained 36lbs then Lost 14lbs of fat I Strategies For Making Changes...

Circle up, kids, it’s storytime! And this story is all about yours truly. Growing up, I was a pretty skinny kid. (How skinny? At my...

Kickstart Fat Loss and Kept It Off with a Sugar Detox

Do you need to go on a sugar detox? How would you even know if you did? What if you could do it in a...

Gain Energy and Avoid Midday Slump I The Glycogen Priming Method

Stop me if you’ve heard this one: You start your work day strong. You’re feeling productive and it seems like you’ve got plenty of...
fat loss journey

The Two Phases Of Fat Loss – What To Do WHEN

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Smoothie and Salad Season! And today is all about getting your NUTRITION in order for a...

Build The Life You Want by Giving Up These Three Things

I’ve got a list for you today -- but don’t worry. It’s not another TO DO list. It’s more of a TO DON’T list....
this is how you lose weight and keep it off

Lose Weight And Keep It Off By Understanding Your Deeper Motivations

Sometimes, when I get on a call with a new client, they are surprised by my process. I ask a sh!t TON of questions....
5 ways you are killing your metabolism

These 5 Things Are KILLING Your Metabolism

Once upon a time, you could down a whole pizza and a Red Bull (or five!) any time you wanted, and get away with...

Throw These Three Supplements Away Right Now

What do you know about supplements? Are supplements good for you? Take a quick peek in your pantry. You may be surprised to learn...

Crossfit For Weight Loss: Is It Best For YOUR Body?

If you’re like me, you probably have a love/hate relationship with CrossFit. I mean, it’s easy to look at guys like Rich Froening and...
the mental shift busy dads need to lose weight and keep it off

The Mental Shift Busy Dads Need to Make to Lose 40+ Pounds

With the busy schedule of being a dad, it's hard to find time for fitness. I get it. That’s why I created the Million...
how a busy dad dropped 60 pounds

How A Busy Dad Dropped 60 Pounds

Has this ever happened to you? You’re singing along to your favorite song in the shower, high volume, and all the sudden it hits...