subconscous mind

3 Ways to Make Your Subconscious Mind Work for You

Health and well-being comes in different forms. The physical side of it (basically 95% of everything I write about) is important, but not all...

You’re Thinking Too Much – One Surefire Way to NOT Make Progress

"What should I eat after a workout? "When should I do cardio?" "Do I need to do squats even though they hurt my back?" I get questions...
how long should you workout

Morning BodyWeight Routine for Energy, Muscle and Fat Loss

We've all heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen". True enough. But it doesn't do service to the fact that exercise is...

Online Personal Training

Why Do I Need Coaching? The people on earth who are the greatest in their particular field all have one thing in common. They focus...

Playing Music During Exercise – Better or Worse for Your Workout?

Go to any gym at peak time and you'll see that 90% of the people have headphones in. But does playing music during exercise...

Are You Comfortable?

With a new year comes reflections and resolutions. Mine have been especially strange recently coming off a year of travel, and trying to get...

The ONE THING You Absolutely Need in the Gym

I haven’t been a beginner in the gym in a long time. I’ve been training for the better part of 12 years, and I...

Use The Science of Gamification to Get Even Sexier

If you want to change the way you look or feel, work with your brain instead of against it to make lasting changes by...

Start Your Day Right With This Simple Morning Routine

Morning routines. Everyone’s got one. Maybe you’re smashing your alarm clock and cursing the time while running out the door with a bagel in...

How To Develop Good Leadership Skills With Ben McLellan

Today is very exciting. You're going to get to hear from Ben McLellan of The Empowered CEO. He’s here to chat with us about...

ELi5: Tabata

The Tabata protocol is the single best way to burn fat. However, 98% of Bootcamps, Crossfit classes and personal trainers are DOING IT WRONG. This type...
5 quick and easy morning rituals that burn fat and build focus

5 Quick and Easy Morning Rituals That Burn Fat and Build Focus

Morning routines are a big thing these days and for good reason. When you start your day with a routine, you take control of...

Health Horoscope – Fitness Horoscopes October 2016

  Aries. March 21- April 19 Health Horoscope: OHHHHHH YEA Aries,  October is gonna be your month! You'll hit that PR on squats that you've been...

Make Your Abs Thicker and More Defined with This Exercise

If you're looking for the X-Factor exercise to take your ab development from Rush-Limbaugh's-soft-shitty-body (thanks Cards Against Humanity) to Ronda Rousey, consider adding in...

Don’t Buy Into the “Battery Theory” of Exercise

President Trump strikes again, training his meticulous and well practiced gaze upon exercise as a whole. Trump, when asked about fitness by Evan Osnos...