secrets for long term fitness success

Powerful Secrets For Long Term Fitness Success

Paul Riili is that guy. You know the one – the dude killing it in the gym (back when we could actually go to...
best bicep workout

How Long Should You Workout | Best Workout Length

If you've ever had a trainer before you've probably worked out for either an hour, or half of an hour because that's the way...

Are You Comfortable?

With a new year comes reflections and resolutions. Mine have been especially strange recently coming off a year of travel, and trying to get...

ELi5: Tabata

The Tabata protocol is the single best way to burn fat. However, 98% of Bootcamps, Crossfit classes and personal trainers are DOING IT WRONG. This type...

Online Personal Training

Why Do I Need Coaching? The people on earth who are the greatest in their particular field all have one thing in common. They focus...
your body is a Lamborghini, fuel it like one

Your Body is a Lamborghini, Fuel It Like One

Question: Would you put regular old, unleaded gasoline into say, a Lamborghini? Answer: &#%$ NO! So why are you still putting low-grade fuel into the most...

Health Horoscope – Fitness Horoscopes October 2016

  Aries. March 21- April 19 Health Horoscope: OHHHHHH YEA Aries,  October is gonna be your month! You'll hit that PR on squats that you've been...

Start Your Day Right With This Simple Morning Routine

Morning routines. Everyone’s got one. Maybe you’re smashing your alarm clock and cursing the time while running out the door with a bagel in...

I Am Not A Fitness Model

I went to Vegas this weekend and drank beers, ate ice cream, and loved every minute of it. Now I'm back home and I look...

Playing Music During Exercise – Better or Worse for Your Workout?

Go to any gym at peak time and you'll see that 90% of the people have headphones in. But does playing music during exercise...
how to become an expert in your industry

3 Powerful Strategies to Become An Expert in your Industry

In the age of technology, having a lot of information about a broad range of topics isn't enough. You need to become an expert...

Don’t Buy Into the “Battery Theory” of Exercise

President Trump strikes again, training his meticulous and well practiced gaze upon exercise as a whole. Trump, when asked about fitness by Evan Osnos...
how long should you workout

Morning BodyWeight Routine for Energy, Muscle and Fat Loss

We've all heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen". True enough. But it doesn't do service to the fact that exercise is...
5 quick and easy morning rituals that burn fat and build focus

5 Quick and Easy Morning Rituals That Burn Fat and Build Focus

Morning routines are a big thing these days and for good reason. When you start your day with a routine, you take control of...
Holiday Weight Loss

The Most Effective Way to Train Triceps

The Most Effective Way to Train Triceps I have a lot of clients ask me about the proper way to train their triceps. By a...