Morning BodyWeight Routine for Energy, Muscle and Fat Loss
We've all heard the phrase "abs are made in the kitchen". True enough. But it doesn't do service to the fact that exercise is...
Make Bulgarian Split Squats EVEN MORE BETTER with this One Trick
Everyone knows that Bulgarian Split Squats are one of the best single leg exercises for being jacked, flexible, and healthy, and one of the...
Health Horoscope – Fitness Horoscopes October 2016
Aries. March 21- April 19
Health Horoscope: OHHHHHH YEA Aries, October is gonna be your month! You'll hit that PR on squats that you've been...
Playing Music During Exercise – Better or Worse for Your Workout?
Go to any gym at peak time and you'll see that 90% of the people have headphones in. But does playing music during exercise...
How Long Should You Workout | Best Workout Length
If you've ever had a trainer before you've probably worked out for either an hour, or half of an hour because that's the way...
Do You Only Need 1 Minute of Exercise?
So you read the New York Times article about how all it takes is a minute of exercise to get fit, and now you’re...
I Am Not A Fitness Model
I went to Vegas this weekend and drank beers, ate ice cream, and loved every minute of it.
Now I'm back home and I look...
Survive The Holiday Weight Gains – The Ultimate Guide
The Ultimate Guide To Surviving Holiday Weight Gain
The holidays are upon us, bringing with them horrible renditions of children singing Christmas carols that are...
Use The Science of Gamification to Get Even Sexier
If you want to change the way you look or feel, work with your brain instead of against it to make lasting changes by...
Just Not Feeling It? Use These 4 Proven Psychological Principles to Get More Done.
Do you even lift bro? No matter what you bench press, no matter how good you look in your lulu lemon tights, and no...
Three Reasons for Women to Train with Weights
This post is brought to you by Katelyn Travers, a friend of mine and a hell of a good coach. She's a living legend,...
ELi5: Tabata
The Tabata protocol is the single best way to burn fat.
However, 98% of Bootcamps, Crossfit classes and personal trainers are DOING IT WRONG.
This type...
Are You Comfortable?
With a new year comes reflections and resolutions. Mine have been especially strange recently coming off a year of travel, and trying to get...
Online Personal Training
Why Do I Need Coaching?
The people on earth who are the greatest in their particular field all have one thing in common. They focus...
Make Your Abs Thicker and More Defined with This Exercise
If you're looking for the X-Factor exercise to take your ab development from Rush-Limbaugh's-soft-shitty-body (thanks Cards Against Humanity) to Ronda Rousey, consider adding in...