I Am Not A Fitness Model


I went to Vegas this weekend and drank beers, ate ice cream, and loved every minute of it.

Now I’m back home and I look like this. Compared to the covers of magazines, I’m an undersized underwhelming individual that could stand to see the sun more often.

But I don’t care about that because I feel great, and I like the way I look.

post vegas selfie

Even with a challenging schedule, I manage to keep my body-fat percentage around 10-12% all year. I don’t have aspirations of doing a bodybuilding competition, and this is where I feel best, and am able to maintain this level easily.

I’d like to teach you to do the same thing.

So if you’re looking to put on some extra muscle, loose some body fat, and learn the habits it takes to maintain a healthy, low body-fat percentage without all the stress that comes from dieting, cleansing, and extreme exercise regimes, my 6 week behavior based partner challenge is for you.

There’s a reason that only 3% of people manage to keep weight off after losing it.

It’s because even though they were able to adopt the habits for the short term, they did not change their overall lifestyle, and the way they THINK about fitness and health.

Here are 3 ways that I think differently on a daily basis.

  1. Exercise is therapy
    1. Working out is way cheaper than hiring a psychologist, and is the best anti-depressant, energizing activity you could take on a daily basis. Even if you’re not going “BEAST MODE” in the gym, but you get a 45 minute workout in, that’s great. 45 minutes 5 days per week is the perfect amount.
  2. Protein Buddy
    1. Every meal is based around protein for me. I try to never eat a meal that is pure carbohydrates or fat. This one tip can totally change the way you look at food. Protein is the hardest type of food to convert to fat, and the best kind for building muscle, and your metabolism. Shoot for 1 gram of protein per lb of body weight every day. You’ll be amazed at the difference in your body after 1 month.
  3. Long term mentality
    1. I drank a lot of alcohol in Vegas, and ate donuts and fruit loops – foods that are definitely not in my plan. However, I don’t let that one bad food decision define me, instead I use it as a jumping off point to eat a bit healthier for a week. I practice moderation, by only eating high sugar, high fat foods rarely, and trying to eat them after a workout.

I’ve taken my 9 years of training experience and distilled them down into a practical, easy to sustain model that’s based off of human psychology and the latest research in Applied Behavioral Analysis.

My 6 week program is designed as a jumping off point for you and a partner to learn what it actually takes to be lean for life, while having a good time, smashing your competition, and winning cool prizes.

You also get:

  • A Weekly Workout delivered to your inbox every Monday for 6 weeks
  • Nutritional guidelines with 3 different options depending on your lifestyle.
  • A Scoring Sheet to keep track of how you’re doing relative to your partner and competition.
  • Up to 400.00 in prizes for best transformation and highest team score overall.

From Sunday the 6th until Sunday the 13th, registration is only 50.00 per person!

After the 14th of September, registration goes up to 80.00 per person, so act now!








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