Keep it Simple Stupid

The following is a speech I wrote as a senior in college. I have since read thousands of pages worth of "fitness information". I've been...

Throw Your Chairs Away.

Listen up, everyone knows that I'm full of good advice. In fact, I've even heard that I'm full of the best advice. No holds-barred,...

The Perfect Fat Loss Workout

Here are the example workout slides from my presentation on The Perfect Fat Loss Workout. You're welcome.

N8 Training System: Mental Training and Abs

Train your mind first.

ELi5: Salt

Salt is important for performance, hydration, and being alive. In healthy people there's no reason to worry about salt, (unless you're going to be dieting...

Eating Right is Easy.

A lot of stuff I talk about on here is based on stuff that I hear in real life, and want to say, but...

Doing This One Thing Will Make Your Workouts 900% Better

You've probably heard the phrase "History repeats itself". You've most likely said that out loud to someone, thinking that you sounded pretty wise and globally...

KFC Chicken Pot Pie Ingredients

  Ever since I read the Onion Article "Nation Shudders at Large Block of Uninterrupted Text, I hesitate to write like this. But screw it,...

Choose Strength

“If you can’t fix it with fish oil or squats, then you’re probably going to die”. –Lift Big Eat Big In addition to qualifying as...

Explain it Like I’m 5: The Core

The core is a magical part of the body that gets referenced by almost every fitness person or program. "Toning your core" or "Getting...
drink and lose weight

Can You Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight?

Alcohol. It’s part of our culture. On Sundays we watch football and drink beer. On New Year’s Eve, we drink champagne. On Cinco de...

Are calories really that important? (Exerpt from my Eating Manual)

If you’ve been online at all and have read anything about health and fitness in the last few years, you will have seen some...

Work Out Like You Mean It

I work at a gym, which means that 100% of the time when I look around at people working out, I become enveloped in...

Fitness Horoscopes for Friday, March 21st

Are you sick and tired of horoscopes that don't hold up to your rigorous standards? Are you pissed that each one comes with a...

Still Not as Lean as you Want to be?

Sprinting Might be your missing ingredient. Looking at every world class sprinter might not be a fair comparison, but we can definitely see the obvious...