Three Reasons for Women to Train with Weights

This post is brought to you by Katelyn Travers, a friend of mine and a hell of a good coach. She's a living legend,...

Three Things I Hate About the Fitness Industry

Sorry I haven't dominated your brain in a while with my powerful words, which I know often leave you breathless and shaking with excitement....

8 Mistakes That People Make when Trying to Lose Fat

If you're like me, you suck at the majority of things in life.  OHHH STOP. Don't be offended. When was the last time you successfully...

Product Review: TRX – TRX Suspension Trainer

My love affair with bodyweight exercises is well documented throughout the interwebs. We just cant keep our sweaty teenage hands off each-other. Over the last...
fitness Information overload

White Rice vs. Brown Rice – Which Is Healthiest? Should You Care?

Pop quiz time! In the brown rice vs. white rice contest, brown rice wins, right? Choosing white rice crosses the fitness “party line” ...doesn't it?...

Follow Up

A while back I wrote an article in which I included an embarrassing photo of me in a speedo. HERE I said something to the...

Make Your Abs Thicker and More Defined with This Exercise

If you're looking for the X-Factor exercise to take your ab development from Rush-Limbaugh's-soft-shitty-body (thanks Cards Against Humanity) to Ronda Rousey, consider adding in...

The Perfect Fat Loss Workout

Here are the example workout slides from my presentation on The Perfect Fat Loss Workout. You're welcome.

High Intensity Gym Cardio HIIT Workout

Here's a great and simple way you can workout this Saturday at your local big box gym, burn some calories, work on posture, and...

February Whole Foods Challenge.

February is a hard word to spell. It's one of the words I constantly re-check to make sure I have correct, because it never looks right....

Online Personal Training

Why Do I Need Coaching? The people on earth who are the greatest in their particular field all have one thing in common. They focus...

ELi5: Cardio

Cardio is the form of exercise most associated with weight loss, or “getting back in shape”. It also happens to be where most people...

Doing Steady State Cardio for Fat Loss is like Stapling Reminder Notes to Your...

...It just isn't that effective. ::Cue dramatic scene:: We enter a Five Guys Burger Joint. We look to our left. There sits a man at a...

Explain it Like I’m 5: The Core

The core is a magical part of the body that gets referenced by almost every fitness person or program. "Toning your core" or "Getting...

Build Muscle/Get Curvy/Tone Up/Etc.

Fitness words sometimes make me hate life. I can't stand buzz words like "core" "stability" "tone" "Brazilian butt lift" and "Santorum". Yet, I use...