Follow Up


A while back I wrote an article in which I included an embarrassing photo of me in a speedo. HERE
I said something to the effect of “I’ll post a bunch of pictures of myself as I get better and look less and less like a meat popsicle”
Obviously that was a lie.
I’m posting one now, just for the sake of my integrity, and so you know you that I’m not a 450lb ice cream eating know-it-all that sits behind the computer and dispatches truth bombs via the internet.Sorry for the terrible camera phone quality and pose. I know this is not myspace, just bear with me. Also, I had my tattoo removed and grafted on the other shoulder.

I actually lost about 2 lbs between pix, and my bodyfat in the picture on the right is hovering right around 8%


  1. Good work! Between your February Whole Foods Challenge and training for Pat’s Run, I’ve lost a little over 5 lbs. in the past 6 weeks. I’m still bringing my lunch to work and I’ve quit drinking coke (finally) – thanks for the good habit!


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