which lower abs exercises should you be doing

The Brutal Truth About Those Lower Abs Exercises You’ve Been Doing

How are you developing your lower abs? Which lower abs exercises are you doing consistently? Have you ever heard the following statements? Planks are the best...

Which is More Important, Rest Time or Weight?

As a male, I already have predispositions towards lifting weights that are too heavy for my abilities. When you add on my tremendous ego...

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) Training For Faster, Healthier Muscle Gain

Blood flow restriction training is a great way to improve muscle tone and strength. BFR training has been used by professional athletes, weightlifters, bodybuilders, power...
Does taking creatine lead to hair loss?

What Do Creatine, Walmart, and Resistant Starches Have In Common?

Not a whole hell of a lot. But, I've been getting a ton of questions lately about these topics, so I'm diving in on this...
eat protein to build lean muscle

Why You Need Protein To Build Lean Muscle

What do you think about when you hear the word “protein”? Do you envision a big, sweaty weightlifter guy grunting loudly while he benches 400...
3 reasons you're not seeing results from your workouts

3 Big Reasons You’re Not Seeing Results From Your Workouts

Does the way your body looks match the way you train? Are you working out more than ever but you're still not seeing the...
how to get bigger muscles

Is 3 X 10 Killing Your Game?

Have you ever gone to the gym except you don’t really have a plan, so you default to the standard three sets of ten...
bodyweight training versus strength training

Bodyweight Training Vs. Traditional Strength Training – Which is Better?

What if I said you could bulk up without ever touching a single piece of gym equipment? Huh? It’s true. Forget about training with barbells and...
biceps curls

Make Your Biceps Curls More Effective with this One Tweak

When it comes to arm muscles, it's important to make the most of your technique before adding more weight. Make your curls more effective,...