How to Do a Sugar Detox And Drop Belly Fat: Everything You Need to Know

how to do a sugar detox and drop belly fat everything you need to know

It’s the week after Halloween, so naturally, it’s the perfect time to get super-judgemental and talk about that sugar detox you know you need to go on. 

But first, let me back up.

I’m not assuming that every. one. of. you. is searching for the full-size packet of Skittles in the bottom of your three-year-old’s trick-or-treat bucket, just 99.8% of you. So if you’re not in .02%, congratulations, you’re in the right place. 

One of the ways you can tell you need to do a sugar detox is if you’re a) craving sugar around 10am, 3pm, and after dinner and/or b) you are full but you’re still searching for that bag of Skittles or [insert other refined sugar treat here].

Starting a sugar detox and knowing how to do it the right way is a fool-proof way to drop 5 pounds in a week and kickstart the process of shrinking your waistline. But you need to detox the right way and no, you don’t have to buy a sh*t ton of fancy supplements to make it happen.

Do A Sugar Detox and Drop Belly Fat: How To Detox Successfully

The overarching principle you need to live by during your sugar detox is: 

“I don’t get to eat sugar right now.”

So, none of this pansy stuff like “I’m going to try not to eat sugar this week or just a small piece of chocolate this one time!”

N-O. You have to go all in for it to work, but don’t worry, it’s for a short period of time and you’ll reap the benefits for a long time to come!

Do A Sugar Detox and Drop Belly Fat: The Essential Elements of a Sugar Detox

In this week’s episode of the Million Dollar Body podcast, you’ll learn the secrets to a successful detox including things like which nutrient-dense foods to eat (hint: green faces) and which stats and supplements mean absolutely nothing aka you can stay away from the $800 of rare supplements Gyweneth Paltrow dumps in her morning smoothies.

Instead, you’ll learn:

  • How to know if you’re ready for a sugar detox—the signs and symptoms that you’re addicted to sugar
  • The elements of a healthy detox that doesn’t require expensive supplements
  • How to ramp up your energy for the day and sustain it for better performance all day long.

Ready to tackle the #1 culprit for sticky belly fat? Want to drop 5 pounds fast? Listen to this week’s podcast and get started on a sugar detox the right way!



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