Best Hamstring Exercises | Unconventional Ham Movements
The muscles in the hip and the thigh are some of the most powerful in the human body. While the glute muscles are the...
Shrink your Waist and Get Flat Abs Easily with this Exercise
The stomach vacuum is a great way to train your transverse abdominus (TVA) which are the deep core muscles underneath your visible abs. Having...
Make Your Abs Thicker and More Defined with This Exercise
If you're looking for the X-Factor exercise to take your ab development from Rush-Limbaugh's-soft-shitty-body (thanks Cards Against Humanity) to Ronda Rousey, consider adding in...
Every Woman Should Use This Training Technique
Females need to train differently than males.
This is the attitude that many trainers, magazines and programs take when it comes to women lifting weights....
ELi5: Crossfit
Crossfit is exercise. Done in a group. And the workouts are always different.
That's it.
It's not the pinnacle of fitness, and it's not dark magic....
Explain it Like I’m 5: The Core
The core is a magical part of the body that gets referenced by almost every fitness person or program. "Toning your core" or "Getting...
Latisimus Dorsi Jihad. The Saga Continues.
In the previous installment of the Jihad series of articles, we talked about what many men consider the only muscle on the front of...
Worst Inventions Ever. Part I
In this edition of "Worst Inventions Ever", I'll be changing your paradigm about something that you use every day, all day, even though...
Choose Pain
OK, here's the deal. And this time it's the real deal, not that fake deal I told you about a while ago. You're...
Throw Your Chairs Away.
Listen up, everyone knows that I'm full of good advice. In fact, I've even heard that I'm full of the best advice. No holds-barred,...
Have Back Pain? Thinking About Getting Some?
For those of you who are among the 100% of Americans (false statistic) with some sort of low back pain, sciatica, hip tension, office...