The Million Dollar Body Method Workout


The Million Dollar Body Workout

This is a challenge that will work your full body, and give you the ability to see progress in your strength, your ratio of muscle : fat, endurance, power, and cardiovascular function.

This can be done at a gym or at home and is a fantastic test to gauge to see if your training and nutrition is paying off.

Million Dollar Body Workout Instructions:

  1. Set a timer for 20 minutes
  2. Start the timer as you begin the first exercise.
  3. Taking as little rest as possible, move through the exercises
  4. When you finish the last exercise (jump lunges) start the first exercise again.
  5. Record your rounds (and reps) and try to beat your score every time.

For example, if you got 2 rounds and finished up through 7 of the squats in 20 minutes, your score would be 2.32 (2 rounds, 32 reps)

Post your best score in the comments.

The Million Dollar Body Workout

  • 10 Pushups
  • 15 V-Ups
  • 20 Bodyweight Squats
  • 15 Suspension Trainer Rows
  • 10 Reverse Lunge to Balance (each leg)

Check out the video below for more details:



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