A Powerful 7-Step Framework To Lose Forty Pounds in Six Months

you could use 40 pounds in 6 months if you follow this 7 step framework in order

Think you’re too busy to lose weight? Does endless meal prepping or counting every last calorie make you wanna quit before you even start? Are you on a never-ending quest to find the highest quality Swiss butter to add to your bulletproof coffee? (That side jab was for all my Keto fans out there).

Getting fit can feel like a real chore.

Here’s the deal. Following fad diets keep you focused on fitness constantly. But, I want your fitness to free you up to focus on the things that really matter in your life—your family, your career, and your relationships. Achieving your fitness goals should be the springboard to accomplishing the most important goals in your life.

I want your fitness to free you up to focus on the things that really matter in your life.

That’s why I’ve developed a framework, and not a diet, to help you lose weight.

If you follow the steps in order, I’m confident you’ll lose forty pounds in six months AND have more energy than you’ve ever had!

In this week’s Million Dollar Body podcast episode, I break down each step of the simple framework for you.

You’ll learn:

  • How to choose a nutrition framework that works for you. For some people that might be keto, for others that might be intermittent fasting. The key is to choose something that’s repeatable and fits in with your lifestyle.


  • How to get bored with your food. (?!) Hang with me on this one. Some of the leanest people in the world eat the same damn things for breakfast and lunch every day.


  • Why I prioritize resistance training over cardio to accomplish your weight loss goals

To find out about the 7 steps I would take to drop 40 pounds in 6 months without messing with my busy life, without any crash diets, and with the energy I need to take care of my family, listen to this episode of the Million Dollar Body Podcast!



Stop stopping and start starting.


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