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Volume Training is for the Weak and Lazy (+Free 3 Week Program)

We’ve all been there before. Bag in hand, headphones hanging out of our shirts, walking out of the gym thinking “I could have done...

Why Cardio is Killing Your Results

Charles Poliquin is a Canadian strength coach who has most likely forgotten more than I will ever know about the science of training and...

Drink Up.

"Everything in moderation" - Fat People The average DQ blizzard has an estimated 19,400 calories, and 14 pounds of sugar. This is not a "sometimes...

Create a New Habit like MAGIC

When it comes to creating new and positive habits, your brain is not on your side. I just finished reading Chip and Dan Heath's...

Drink This if you Hate Yourself!

Taco Bell, in in all of its infinite wisdom has taken a break from putting sand in their meat products to bring you a...

Are calories really that important? (Exerpt from my Eating Manual)

If you’ve been online at all and have read anything about health and fitness in the last few years, you will have seen some...

Every Nutritionist Agrees on this One Thing…

If you're like me, you know next to nothing about how to work out and how to eat. Kidding. If you're like me, you're...

KFC Chicken Pot Pie Ingredients

  Ever since I read the Onion Article "Nation Shudders at Large Block of Uninterrupted Text, I hesitate to write like this. But screw it,...

The Greatest Workout Device Ever.

Think about the scenarios that would be commonplace if everyone had these. Doctor: I'm sorry to tell you this, but... Patient: WOW! is that a Hawaii...


what to eat before a workout

Why Is Breakfast the Most Important Meal of the Day?

I did a quick Google search to see why is breakfast the most important meal of the day. Here's what the experts have to say!...

N8 Training System: Mental Training and Abs


Train your mind first.

8 Mistakes That People Make when Trying to Lose Fat

If you're like me, you suck at the majority of things in life.  OHHH STOP. Don't be offended. When was the last time you successfully...

Meet Dr. Pain

This was a recent article in the Arizona Golf Association Magazine about Roger and the flexibility work we do here at CK Training. It's...

3 Awesome Ways to Get More Out of your Workout

It's not easy going to the gym day in and day out doing the same routine, listening to a personal trainer, or checking exercises...