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The Ultimate Guide to Staying Fit While Traveling | The Mobile Fitness Lifestyle

Stay Fit While Traveling | The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Mobile Fitness Lifestyle Work travel is real. And staying fit while traveling is tough. It...
are carbs evil or a healthy energy source?

Are Carbs Evil?

Are carbs evil? The short answer: no. So, why are they so demonized across the fitness industry then? Every fad diet is trying to get you to...
best exercises for fat loss

The Three Best Exercises For Fat Loss

Where does your mind go when you think of the best exercises for fat loss? Think fast... CARDIO, right? Endless rounds of elliptical training at the...
which lower abs exercises should you be doing

The Brutal Truth About Those Lower Abs Exercises You’ve Been Doing

How are you developing your lower abs? Which lower abs exercises are you doing consistently? Have you ever heard the following statements? Planks are the best...
how to gain weight fast

5 Ways To Gain Weight Fast

This is the advice you've always wanted, right? How to gain weight as fast as possible. You're in luck because I'm sharing my battle-tested strategies...
unconventional fat loss tips

5 Unconventional Fat Loss Tips

There are a lot of fat loss hacks out there, and most of them say the exact same, boring things.  - Drink more water. 💦  -...
nutrition myths that need to die

Six Nutrition Myths That Need To Die

You've probably heard the following nutrition myths one too many times. If you eat carbs, your body won't burn fat. Eat 6 small meals...

The 10 Best BULLETPROOFING Exercises from Across the Fitness Industry

Here's What You Need to Know: The best predictor of long term success in getting and maintaining a strong, healthy body is consistency. Injuries...

Difference Between MCT Oil and Coconut Oil? | Which Should I Use?

What’s the Difference Between MCT Oil and Coconut Oil? With the rise in popularity of Optimal Body Coffee, I’ve been getting a lot of questions...

Glycogen Priming Method – The Best Diet for A Lean Body that You’ve Never...

Glycogen Priming Method – The Best Glycogen Priming Diet for A Lean Body. The Glycogen Priming Method (GPM) was born in early 2018 when a...

Glycogen Priming Method: 1 of the 7 Critical Habits to Stay Focused for Clients...

Achievers are always looking for an edge. Something that will help them go from good to great, or even from great to unbeatable. One...

What’s Causing Me To Hold Belly Fat? | Take The Belly Fat Quiz HERE

Visceral abdominal fat is the first to show up and the last to go. It's also correlated with heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer.  Science shows that...

The Truth About Intermittent Fasting | Get Results With IF

Fasting has been around for a long, long time. For proof of this check out 2nd Samuel in...

New Study Finds Short-Bodyweight Exercise as Effective as HIIT or Running

Gym haters, home trainees, and busy people rejoice, there's a new style of workout that research shows is super effective, and can get results in...

Alcohol and Weight Loss – The Drinking Guide for Busy People

We’ve all be there, wondering if alcohol and weight loss coincide, when suddenly you're jerked back to reality to a work dinner at Red...