Test Dummies
So, I think I'm going to be putting together a book in the next few months, so that way you can carry around my...
Latisimus Dorsi Jihad. The Saga Continues.
In the previous installment of the Jihad series of articles, we talked about what many men consider the only muscle on the front of...
Why You’re Always Hurting.
I woke up this morning at 4am with but a singular thought in my mind: "I need to write a new article". So I...
More Science
Not that it's any of your business, but I'm getting married this weekend, so I most likely wont update this blog for the next...
Worst Inventions Ever. Part I
In this edition of "Worst Inventions Ever", I'll be changing your paradigm about something that you use every day, all day, even though...
Choose Pain
OK, here's the deal. And this time it's the real deal, not that fake deal I told you about a while ago. You're...
Goat’s Milk vs Regular Milk. An Objective Analysis.
I recently had the pleasure of seeing goat milk on sale at my friendly neighborhood market place, and I took advantage of this occasion...
What Doesn’t Kill You Will Eventually Kill You.
Do you like eating chicken nuggets when you go out for some fast food? Do you buy breaded chicken products at the grocery...
At Home Pool Workout
I just invented a new exercise. I call it swimming. Try it at home in your water pool. It's done by jumping off your...
The Food Pyramid Hates You
This is the food pyramid. For those of you that grew up under a rock, this is the food guide that we've learned about...
Pectoral Jihad.
Do you want big pecs? Do you want a lot of friends? Do you want to make men envious at the beach and women...
Straight Off the Eastern Bloc.
Boom. This just in, from Russia with love. A great way to work out your legs, while simultaneously working on your Soviet culture. Introducing:...
Your Cardio Routine is Laughable.
There was once a day in my life when I was not happy and did not have bountiful amounts of energy. This has only...
Sugar is Your Enemy. Destroy It.
First of all, I'm not sorry for not posting at all last week. I was extremely busy finishing my research on the effect of...
30 Minutes of Passion.
Not only is this the title to my racy new adult novella, it has a lot of practical applications in the gym as well.How...