Explain it Like I’m 5: Carb Backloading
Carb backloading is the practice of eating most of the carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, fruits) after working out.
There are two main reasons for this.
Straight Off the Eastern Bloc.
Boom. This just in, from Russia with love. A great way to work out your legs, while simultaneously working on your Soviet culture. Introducing:...
Test Dummies
So, I think I'm going to be putting together a book in the next few months, so that way you can carry around my...
Drink This if you Hate Yourself!
Taco Bell, in in all of its infinite wisdom has taken a break from putting sand in their meat products to bring you a...
This Body Language Fix Can Change Your Life.
You might not know it, but your emotional state and though processes follow along with your body...
3 Ways to Train your Core Standing Up
If you've been paying attention in the last year to the trend in core training, you'll know that the overwhelming majority of trainers, myself...
Try Harder.
NEWSFLASH. You're probably not romantic anymore. You probably used to be, but you lost 'it'when you got rid of all your old pokemon cards...
Shelby Starnes
Some AM wisdom from Shelby Starnes; nutritional coach. ...
The Definitive Guide To Weight Loss and Health
Losing weight is confusing as shit. I don’t see how anyone is able to actually do it. Between pintrest, fitness magazines, your friend Jenny’s...
ELi5: Salt
Salt is important for performance, hydration, and being alive.
In healthy people there's no reason to worry about salt, (unless you're going to be dieting...
Get Ripped Eating Fast Food – Healthy Fast Food
Healthy Fast Food. Does it Exist?
When I talk to my clients and friends, who are real people, they often ask me if there is...
Still Not as Lean as you Want to be?
Sprinting Might be your missing ingredient.
Looking at every world class sprinter might not be a fair comparison, but we can definitely see the obvious...
Explain it Like I’m 5: The Core
The core is a magical part of the body that gets referenced by almost every fitness person or program. "Toning your core" or "Getting...
Healthy Breakfast Recipes | High Protein Meal in 60 Seconds
For many of us, it's a challenge to find something easy to eat in the morning that doesn't take a long time to prep....