secrets for long term fitness success

Powerful Secrets For Long Term Fitness Success

Paul Riili is that guy. You know the one – the dude killing it in the gym (back when we could actually go to...

Answers to YOUR Frequently Asked Workout Questions

How much weight should I be lifting? What are rep schemes? AM or PM workouts? Do YOU have a burning question about fitness, nutrition, or...

3 Suspension Trainer Exercises to Shred Your Core

Suspension Trainer (ST) exercises are great for a variety of reasons, as discussed here, here, and here. But one of the reasons that I...
30 minute workout

5 Ways to Get Results without Adding Weight

Rather than beating your head against the wall repeatedly trying to get a PR on your bench press, are there other ways to get...
bodyweight training versus strength training

Bodyweight Training Vs. Traditional Strength Training – Which is Better?

What if I said you could bulk up without ever touching a single piece of gym equipment? Huh? It’s true. Forget about training with barbells and...