are carbs evil or a healthy energy source?

Are Carbs Evil?

Are carbs evil? The short answer: no. So, why are they so demonized across the fitness industry then? Every fad diet is trying to get you to...

Explain it Like I’m 5: Carb Backloading

Carb backloading is the practice of eating most of the carbohydrates (bread, rice, pasta, fruits) after working out. There are two main reasons for this. Carbohydrates...
Food labels are filled wit misinformation. How to find nutrient-dense foods.

How To Find Nutrient-Dense Foods in a Swirl of Misleading Food Labels

Let me guess. You probably just unloaded your nutrient-dense foods from your canvas Whole Foods shopping bag onto the kitchen counter, including your free-range,...

The Truth About Intermittent Fasting | Get Results With IF

Fasting has been around for a long, long time. For proof of this check out 2nd Samuel in...

I Am Not A Fitness Model

I went to Vegas this weekend and drank beers, ate ice cream, and loved every minute of it. Now I'm back home and I look...

The FIVE Reasons Men Gain Belly Fat

I have a couple of questions for you: Do you have belly fat? Do you even know how it got there? Often, you’ll hear it referred...

Use The Science of Gamification to Get Even Sexier

If you want to change the way you look or feel, work with your brain instead of against it to make lasting changes by...
the best way to eat before a big presentation

The Best Way To Eat Before A Big Presentation

Everyone wants to know about pre-workout nutrition. I get the following question all the time: what should I eat before I work out to...

Juicing: An Objective Analysis

One of the hottest fitness trends is juicing. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. I would wager 12.50 right now that your friend, aunt,...
drink and lose weight

Can You Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight?

Alcohol. It’s part of our culture. On Sundays we watch football and drink beer. On New Year’s Eve, we drink champagne. On Cinco de...

Build The Life You Want by Giving Up These Three Things

I’ve got a list for you today -- but don’t worry. It’s not another TO DO list. It’s more of a TO DON’T list....
at home fat loss

How to Lose Belly Fat – Lose Stomach Fat Fast

How to Lose Belly Fat Sometimes it’s irritating to go online and see fitness articles, blog posts, and so called “experts”, all saying essentially the...
ruin metabolism

Get Ripped Eating Fast Food – Healthy Fast Food

Healthy Fast Food. Does it Exist? When I talk to my clients and friends, who are real people, they often ask me if there is...

The Ultimate Guide to Staying Fit While Traveling | The Mobile Fitness Lifestyle

Stay Fit While Traveling | The Ultimate Guide to a Healthy Mobile Fitness Lifestyle Work travel is real. And staying fit while traveling is tough. It...

Alcohol and Weight Loss – The Drinking Guide for Busy People

We’ve all be there, wondering if alcohol and weight loss coincide, when suddenly you're jerked back to reality to a work dinner at Red...